love life, laugh often, smile big

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Celebrating Lexi's Birthday

Lexi had her good friend Kassidy spend Saturday night with her.

They all had fun jumping on the trampoline.

They love to jump after the sun has gone down.

Crazy hair!

Playing games on the DS.

On Sunday morning we headed to Denver for a birthday party at Miller Farms.

Grandma Gayle, Grandpa Dale, Grandpa Mike, Aunt Mimi, Uncle Mike and Harlynn all met us.

Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Dale surprised her with a new bike!

Mr. Fearless, reached right into the tub of snakes and picked one up.
Lexi, that's exactly how I felt, gross!

Looking it right in the eye.

Lexi did pick up some frogs.

This giant bounce pillow is awesome!

Dad, holding Grandpa Mike back so Jeremiah can win the tractor race.

We took a wagon ride all over the farm and got to pick TONS of vegetables.

Helping Grandpa find the good tomatoes.

Miles found the biggest onions I have ever seen.

Digging for potatoes.

The gang on the wagon, ready to move on to the next part of the farm.

Picking corn.

Getting our pumpkins right from the patch.

After a picnic lunch, we sang and had cupcakes.

Off to the corn maze.

Which way shall we go?

Great idea Lexi, this may have been the best birthday party yet!!

Grandpa Mike comes for a visit

Grandpa Mike spent a night with us while on his way from Canada to Kansas.

We took hike on a hike along the Snake River.

The boys wanted to go swimming so they took off all but their undies and in they went.

Lexi was the smart one, choosing to just wade in the freezing cold water.

Dinner at the fort

Monday, November 15, 2010

Afternoon hike with Miles

Most September days Miles and I went for a hike after I picked him up from school.

This beautiful Friday afternoon, he requested we go down by the lake.

He lead the way to a great trail along the snake river.

Sometimes it's a little tricky to get to the other side, but with the right amount of concentration it can be done.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday Lexi

Lexi's favorite breakfast lately is a blueberry bagel with cream cheese. On her birthday we stuck a candle in her bagel and sang to her.

As soon as breakfast was eaten, Lexi requested to open a few gifts.

Her brother were wonderful to her on her 7th birthday.

Nothing like the love of a brother!!

Lexi, Dad and Miles playing with one of her presents before school.

Passing out cupcakes at school.

Nothing like all 25 of your classmates singing happy birthday to you.
Yes, she did have 25 classmates, but the school was able to add another 2nd grade teacher and split them up into 3 classes with 17 kids in each class. Thankfully, Lexi stayed with Mrs. Arnold because she is one amazing teacher!!

There were a few more presents to be opened after school.

Then off to football practice we went.
And at Lexi's request we stopped at Taco Bell for dinner.
Happy Birthday Princess!! Please stop growing up so darn fast!!!