love life, laugh often, smile big

Monday, September 26, 2011

The gang arrives

On Saturday, July 2 cousins arrive at the beach!
Ellie and Lexi talked Pops into taking them out on the boat.

Kylie and Jeremiah joined them on the Millennium Falcon.

A holiday weekend on the beach is packed!

The adult tent included a battery powered blender with plenty of booze for mixing.

Pops out with the grand kids again.

These guys just love spending time together!


Grams and Pops taking a gang of kids out.

Cousins, grandparents, ocean water, does life get any better?

I beleive we had the best set up on the beach!  Thanks Pops!

The guys chilling.


Daddy with his boys.


Kylie, Morgan, Jeremiah, Taylor, Lexi, Tatum, Ellie, Rowan, Miles and Asher

Grams and Pops with all their grand babies.


Uncle Jamey, Uncle Weber and Uncle Garrett buried Jeremiah, Asher and Miles.

This is what happens when you trust your Uncles lol.


Jeremiah teaches Uncle Weber to fold a flag.

Friday, September 23, 2011

July waves

Living it up!

 Grams, Corrie, Lexi and I went for a pedi and mani one morning.

Lexi could get use to this!


Troy and Pops are resting their eyes.


 One evening after we had tucked the kids in bed we heard tremendous amounts of laughter coming from their room.  Troy and I decided they were too happy to make them go to bed so I went into the room, turned on the lights and very seriously said "That's it!'  They all pretended to be sleeping.
"If you guys are not going to go to sleep, we are just going to have to get up and go crabbing!"  We all burst into laughter again and they got up to go.

Jeremiah caught a crab as soon as we got to the sand.

 Since this was the only crab we caught that night, we all played with him a bit.

 Goodbye Mr. Crab, back to your family you go.

Beach Photo Shoot 1

Loving life on the beach!

Ride that wave baby!

He is one cool dude!
Showing off his jellyfish holding skills.
Dad dug this perfect hole.

dolphin watching
Hanging with Grams.

There was a forest fire close by that caused smoke clouds for 2 days.

The 3 headed monster.

 Miles holding the brittle starfish Troy found on the ocean floor.

 Happy to have Uncle Weber and Uncle Garrett to help them dig.

 Ready to go crabbing.

 We didn't catch any crabs but we have a personal fireworks show.

 Watching a storm roll in.