love life, laugh often, smile big

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cub Mobile Races

Pack 186 had their 1st annual Cub Mobile Race on Monday, June 6.

Magnus on the left, Jeremiah on the right.

Getting ready for his next race.

Bringing the Cub Mobile back to the starting gate.

Playing a little ball between races.

race time again

Low and ready to go!

Jeremiah challenged Dad to a race.

Lexi and Miles got a chance to race during the sibling races.

Troy and Jeremiah being sure Miles stays on the track.

my boys

Jeremiah got 3rd place overall in the races!!!

Fishing Day

Summer Safety Kickoff

The kids with Smokey the Bear at the annual Safe Summer Kick Off.

Saving Kermit.

Yummy cotton candy.

Keystone Gulch Fire

On June 2, Troy was on his way home from work and saw a large amount of smoke coming from Keystone. He came and got us so we could all go see the fire.

Check SpellingWatching the Keystone Gulch Fire from the Landfill Road.

The view from our neighborhood. This fire was a little too close.

With all the pine beetle kill in the area, forest fires are a scary, scary thing.

The wind was really blowing this afternoon and the trees were burning fast.

Thankfully the winds dyed down and firefighters were able to get it under control. Here you can see some hot spots still burning after the sun went down.

End of the school year

Field Day

Miles in his classroom, ready to begin his day.

Lexi with Mrs. Arnold her wonderful 2nd Grade teacher.

Lexi's class getting the instructions for the games from the 5th graders.

Lexi trying to balance a cup of water on her head.

Miles' class waiting for field day to start.

Preschoolers love parachute!

Miles doing long jump.

Lexi doing the beanie baby sling shot.

How low can you go Jeremiah?

This scooter game they play is their favorite. Here Jeremiah and Miles just faced off.

Over the years Miles has spent a lot of time volunteering in Jeremiah's class with Mom. They girls all love him and always let him hang with them.

Jeremiah and Miles balancing the water cups.

They still love the parachute in 3rd Grade.

Let's go to the fort